GenComTel Inc. (‘We’, ‘Us’, or ‘GenComTel’) provides RingtoWorld international calling service in two different ways
The products, services, content or any other interactive feature which we provide to you through this website and RingtoWorld service itself is provided to you agreeing these Terms & Conditions. We highly recommend that you completely read this Terms and Conditions prior to using our website or using RingtoWorld service. These Terms & Conditions may be regularly modified by GenComTel, and it shall always preside over your use of this website and RingtoWorld service.
By using RingtoWorld service and/or accessing the website, you agree to bound with these Terms & Conditions along with, End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy and all exhibits hereto (collectively, the ‘Terms & Conditions’). If you have no reason to bind with any of these Terms & Conditions, then we recommend you not to use this website or RingtoWorld service. We may modify these Terms & Conditions regularly without any prior notice to you and those modifications shall be considered to be effective right away after posting of the modified Terms & Conditions on this website. You agree to review these Terms & Conditions regularly so that you shall be aware of these modifications at Terms & Conditions and accept the modified Terms & Conditions.
1.1 Documentation: Printed materials, e-documents, packaging and any materials available online in any media or form which is related to RingtoWorld service
1.2 RingtoWorld Service: RingtoWorld service proprietary by GenComTel Inc. inclusive of software application for Smartphone, products, services, and any future upgrades, fixes, enhancements, updates thereof.
1.3 Smartphone: A mobile phone with advanced features which allows PC-like functionality.
1.4 You: The end-user of RingtoWorld service or the website also will be mentioned as ‘User’ or ‘You’, or ‘Your’ wherever applicable.
2.1 Service Marks: RingtoWorld is service mark of GenComTel Inc.. The complete right, title and interest which includes but not limited to copyrights, trade secrets, patents, service mark plus all other intellectual property and proprietary rights globally associated or complementary with RingtoWorld service, Documentation which includes but not limited to any images, audio, music, text, video, animation, software or hardware included into RingtoWorld is completed owned by GenComTel and are covered by worldwide patents and patent applications which property of GenComTel, legally. You have no right to modify, change or remove any element which incorporates the copyright of GenComTel.
2.2 User Restrictions: The license provided to you is for consumer purpose only. You have no right to lend, rent, lease or sublicense RingtoWorld service. On all or any redeployment or reproduction of RingtoWorld service, Website Materials or the Documents not with respect to the Terms & Conditions set forth herein explicitly prohibited by law, and may result in several criminal and civil penalties. GenComTel completely reserve the right to take legal action against any or all such violations to the full extent facilitated by the law. Aside from those to that extent which is permitted explicitly hereunder, you may not.
2.3 Promotional Software or Materials: regardless of any provisions covered herein, RingtoWorld service labelled or if not provided to you on a promotional form may only be used for testing, assessment and demonstration purposes and shall not be transferred or resold under any circumstance.
3.1 Website Materials:All website materials which includes but not limited to any text, data, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, video clips, links digital download, data compilations and software is owned, controlled by, or licensed by GenComTel is protected by trademark, copyrights, and other intellectual property rights. Website Materials are made available exclusively for personal, non-commercial use and shall not be modified, copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, distributed or transmitted through any channels, inclusive of e-mail or any other form of electronic means, exclusive of circumstances when received written permission from GenComTel prior to each and every instance. You may download materials made available to you from our website for personal and non-commercial use only if you show all copyright and former proprietary notes that support such materials.
3.2 Links: Any links available at RingtoWorld website shall allow you to enter that respective website and leave RingtoWorld website. Websites which we link to aren’t under our control and we’re not liable for any contents of any linked websites or any links which are available at that website or any modifications or updates to such websites. You shall take necessary precautions to make certain that those websites are free of viruses, worms, Trojan horses and similar destructive nature. RingtoWorld is providing you these links for convenience, and addition of these links at RingtoWorld doesn’t entail our approval. In addition, trademarks, Service Marks and other logos which are displayed at RingtoWorld website may be marks of third parties which are not affiliated, sponsored or promoted by us. In no circumstance shall we be responsible to any individual, company or anyone for any direct, indirect, particular or any other substantial damages for whichever use of RingtoWorld website or on whichever other hyper linked website, which includes but not limited to any mislaid revenues, program failure, business break or other data or User information handling system or otherwise, even if We are explicitly advised of such damage possibilities.
3.3 Material Download from this Website: GenComTel shall not guarantee that the files available to download at RingtoWorld website be free of viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other malicious code which can showcase destructive properties. You are solely liable to check, assure and execute satisfactory action on correctness of data input and output, and for maintain an alternative external to the website for the lost data restoration.
4.1 Charges & Fees: Any telecommunication charges which are associated in general with your mobile telecommunication plan may also be imposed in connection with RingtoWorld service. If you select 3G option provided by your telecommunication provider, you may invite data charges or roaming charges from your telecommunication provider along with any or all fees associated with the use of RingtoWorld service.
4.2 Rates: 1 minute billing is provided for GenComTel for our RingtoWorld service.
4.3 Expiration: There is no expiry period for our service, which is valid for top ups.
RingtoWorld service is non-refundable upon download and GenComTel will not provide any refunds or compensation for any unused airtime balanced.
You may use RingtoWorld service from any international location subjected to applicable laws. You are solely responsible to comply with any or all laws and regulations under the legal jurisdiction where RingtoWorld service is used. Notwithstanding the prior, you represent that, you are not located in, under the control of, and are not a national or resident of any country which the United States has placed an embargo against or having placed on the U.S Treasury Department’s Specialty Designated National List or the U.S Commerce Department’s Table or Deny Orders. Such countries may include but not limited to Cuba, Iraq, Libra, North Korea, Iran and Syria.
GenComTel shall not be responsible for any missing, unfinished, broken, scrawled, late or misdirected mobile or electronic mail messages or for any technical problems, breakdowns of any telephone lines, computer systems, mobile communication systems, servers, software, hardware, providers, misplaced or busy network connections or unfinished, dreadful or computer or mobile obstruction or any combination thereof. GenComTel shall not be accountable for any legal responsibility for any damage to any Smartphone, mobile system or computer follow-on from the use of RingtoWorld service or the RingtoWorld website. GenComTel supposes no responsibility for any undeliverable mobile messages or electronic mails with respect to the transmissions which are carried out while using RingtoWorld service.
RingtoWorld’s personal information practices at RingtoWorld website are administrated by GenComTel’s Privacy Policy which also administer your use of RingtoWorld website and RingtoWorld App. Please go through this privacy statement additionally and take a copy of your records as print. This website does not plan to target if not gather personal information of individuals who are below the age of 13.
You agree that GenComTel and its associate companies may collect and use the technical related information, which includes but not limited to technical information about or with respect to your Smartphone which is collected regularly for software updates, product and other service support for you (if any) with respect to RingtoWorld service. GenComTel may use this information as long as personal identifiable information is not revealed. Only purpose for doing so is to improvise RingtoWorld service and technology for you for better user-experience.
You agree to take complete responsibility and risk associated with using RingtoWorld website, service, its associated software, hardware and the documentation. To the maximum degree permitted by the applicable law, the complete products and services provided by RingtoWorld ‘as is’ inclusive of all faults and exclusive of warranty of any kind. GenComTel does not provide representations, endorsements or warranties whatsoever if articulated, implied or legal (including but not limited to warranties of title or non-infringement, or the unstated warranties of or merchantability of fitness for a meticulous purpose) with respect to the website, RingtoWorld service or the documentation, or any or all transactions carried out through the website or RingtoWorld service, and GenComTel shall not be liable or responsible for any cost or damages which come across both directly or indirectly from any or all of such transactions. GenComTel doesn’t guarantee that the RingtoWorld website or the documentation available is error-free or without any defects in the website; RingtoWorld service or the documentation shall be corrected in future. No/Any oral or written advice or information from GenComTel or an authorized representative from GenComTel shall create a guarantee.
GenComTel shall not be responsible, to the maximum degree permitted by the law, for any direct or indirect damages, accidents, personal injury, whatsoever, which includes but not limited to any other commercial losses or damages which take place or in associated with your use or failure to use the RingtoWorld website or service, nonetheless caused, despite the theory of liability (contract, tort or otherwise) and during scenarios advised for such damage possibilities. Few jurisdictions does not allow the liability limitations for any direct or indirect damages, accidents, personal injury or consequential damages, and thus this limitation would not affect you if you are from that jurisdiction. Regardless of any other provision herein, if you do not accept to any of these Terms & Conditions or any succeeding alternations there to or become dissatisfaction with the RingtoWorld service in anyhow, it’s your sole and exclusive solution shall be to terminate the RingtoWorld service. GenComTel shall not be responsible to you or any other third party or shall be liable for any additional charges imposed upon the termination of the service you receive from any third party providers. In no circumstance do GenComTel’s complete liability to you for entire damage (excluding as maybe required by applicable law in case involving personal injury) exceed the amount of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). The prior limitations shall be relevant even if the above stated solution fails from its fundamental purpose.
Notwithstanding of any other provisions herein, you acknowledge that the RingtoWorld service capability to function and perform as intended is completely dependent upon the availability of equipment and service from third-party vendors with whom GenComTel and/or you have contracted for the provision of fundamental telecommunications services and agree that GenComTel shall not be in breach or other malfunction by any such third-party vendor to carry out its contract to GenComTel or to you in agreement with the terms of such Vendor’s agreement with GenComTel or you.
GenComTel shall not be responsible for any interruption or malfunction in the performance with results from causes beyond our reasonable control (“Force Majeure Events”) whether or not predictable by such party. Such Force Majeure Events include but not limited to, poor weather conditions, fire, earthquake, explosion, flood, embargo, volcanic action, war, power failure, boycott, revolution, labour unrest, civil commotion, act of public enemies including but not limited to slowdowns, strikes, boycotts, picketing, work stoppages, incapability to access equipment, parts, software or repairs thereof, acts of omissions of other party and act of God.
You completely agree to indemnify, defend, protect and hold GenComTel, its directors, employees, licensors, suppliers, agents, shareholders and any other third party providers of RingtoWorld service or any component thereof or of the RingtoWorld website from and allied with all damages, losses, cost and expenses, which includes reasonable attorney’s fee, ensuing from any such violation of these Terms & Conditions or any applicable law, regulation or rule by you or intellectual property rights User violation of any party. The terms stated in this paragraph is solely to benefit GenComTel and its directors, employees, licensors, suppliers, agents, shareholders and any other third party providers of RingtoWorld service and this website. Each entity shall have the complete right to highlight and impose these terms directly against you on its own behalf.
The Terms & Conditions shall be completely effective on you until the service termination. This contract maybe terminated by either party without any prior notice at anytime for any reason, on clause that you shall no longer use RingtoWorld service or the website. Your complete right under this Terms & Conditions shall also be terminated automatically without any prior notice from GenComTel if you fail to obey any section under this Terms & Conditions.
There is no proviso included in this Terms & Conditions that any person or an entity he/which is not a party of these Terms & Condition with any claim, legal responsibility, compensation, remedy, or cause of action or creates any other third party beneficiary rights.
You do not have any right export or re-export RingtoWorld service to any destination.
This Terms & Conditions stand for the complete conformity among the parties concerning the use of RingtoWorld service, website, and Documentation licensed hereunder and take over from all prior or synchronized understanding concerning to such subject matter. GenComTel may allot its duties and rights under this Terms & Conditions to any party at anytime without any prior notice to you. No alternation to this Terms & Conditions shall be mandatory unless expressly anticipated to do so by GenComTel. Under any circumstances, if any of the proviso of this Terms & Conditions is indomitable by any authority or court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to applicable law, on such affairs proviso shall be interpreted as nearly as reasonable to obey the rules of the applicable law and other proviso of this Terms & Conditions shall remain in full force. GenComTel may constantly may relegate its right and assign its duties under these Terms & Conditions without your prior permission. GenComTel’s any right to implement failure or Agreement of the Terms & Conditions shall not include a claim of such right otherwise mentioned if not agreed by GenComTel in writing. The trade practices as well as course of conduct among each party shall act to change any proviso in these Terms & Conditions. Titles usages for the section are exclusively for convenience of the parties and have legal or contractual importance.
Service provided by GenComTel Inc.. For any customer care service, always contact your concern reseller.